This set consists of:
– 1 Peter Hess® Universal Therapeutic bowl / Joints
-1 Peter Hess® Zen bowl for the 1th chakra / Root
-1 Peter Hess® Zen bowl for the 2th chakra / Sacral
-1 Peter Hess® Zen bowl for the 3th chakra / Navel
-1 Peter Hess® Zen bowl for the 4th chakra / Heart
-1 Peter Hess® Zen bowl for the 5th chakra / Throat or small Heart bowl (leave a note in your order indicating the choice of bowl)
-1 Peter Hess® Zen bowl for the 6th chakra / Brow
-1 Peter Hess® Zen bowl for the 7th chakra / Crown
Please leave a note in your order indicating your bowl choice.